Voltage Drop

4.8 ( 1138 ratings )
ユーティリティ 辞書/辞典/その他
開発者 David Schaefgen
4.99 USD

This calculator module, based on NEC Handbook, IEEE, IAEI and American Electricians’ Handbook recommendations, can be used to calculate voltage drop for both AC and DC circuits. The calculations are based on IEEE standard 141.

DC Mode: calculates DC voltage drop, including consideration for multiple conductors, and conductor metal.
AC Mode: In addition to the capabilities of the DC calculation, the AC mode factors in the conduit material, power factor of the load, and load configuration, e.g., single phase or 3 phase.

NFPA 70 ©, National Electrical Code © and NEC © are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.